Beached Bird Survey
This is an exciting one-off opportunity to get involved with RSPB’s Beached Bird Survey and to help collect data for one of the longest-running citizen science projects in the country. It has been 50 years since the February Beached Bird Survey was established to monitor chronic oil pollution in the North Sea. In late February, hundreds of volunteers walk along the UK and NI coastline to count dead, sick and oiled birds washed up on the beaches.
This year the survey will take place on the weekend of 25 and 26 of February, however surveys carried out around these dates can also be submitted.
During the survey, you will walk up to a few miles along the allocated section of the NI coastline, and count all dead and sick birds washed up, as well as recording oiling on the birds’ plumage and general state of the beach. You will be given a map of your section, and a recording form with instructions.
Find out more and register for this opportunity: Beached Bird Survey Volunteers