Conor Murphy
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Conor Murphy
Age: 17
What inspired you to get involved?
I wanted to help the less fortunate and it was a once in a life time opportunity.
What does your volunteering involve?
I attend meetings, plan and run fundraiser events. My volunteering involved travelling to Romania for a
week in February to bring aid to schools, hospitals, old peoples homes and orphanages.
What skills or qualities are required for your volunteering role?
The ability to organise fundraising events and an outgoing personality.
What do you enjoy most about volunteering and what has been your highlight?
I really enjoyed seeing the delight on some of the peoples faces when we visited them. I have made
some friends for life.
Why would you encourage others to become a Millennium Volunteer and what advice would
you give them?
Definitely! MV is a great way of keeping a record of all your volunteering hours and you get rewarded
for it!!