Jason Hassard
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Jason Hassard
Age: 19
Where do you volunteer?
Friday Fun Club
What inspired you to get involved?
Having a brother with autism and encouraging family.
What does your volunteering involve?
Helping children with a range of disabilities to participate in games an socialize with others around the same age. Typically this a commitment of 3 hours every Friday night.
What skills or qualities are required for your volunteering role?
Good interpersonal skills, I have to be approachable and friendly to form relationships with the kids.
What do you enjoy most about volunteering and what has been your highlight?
Joining in with games and seeing everyone enjoying themselves is my favorite part!
Why would you encourage others to become a Millennium Volunteer and what advice would
you give them?
Being recognized for the work you regularly do gives a great sense of satisfaction. I would recommend
Millennium Volunteers to anyone currently volunteering.